What I've learnt so far

Firstly, we learnt about genre (French for type). The term genre applies to non-fiction (quiz, shows, sports programmes etc). Audiences find genre appealing because it allows them to know their expectations will be met.  Some media texts are hybrid genres, which means they share conventions of more than one genre. For example, the Twilight film are a hybrid genre, combining horror with romance.

The term intertextually refers to the process of creating references to an kind of media text via another media. Pastiche means to combine multiple elements in post modernists media. This can be a parody of past styles and can often reference pop culture as a part of the narrative. Anti-hero post-modern productions often blur the lie lines between good and evil, light and dark for both characters. 

I also learnt about the purpose of music videos, such as promotional, extension of income, synergy etc. modern music videos were made to promote the sales of music recordings. Some other purposes of a music video is to invoke a reaction so that the audience remember the song, to give the audience a better understanding of the song, to entertain and show the artists other talents and to cell CD’s. A good video will increase a song’s sales. Music videos play a central role in the marketing of an artist. Stars use music videos to represent their star image and power. 
Codes and conventions of music videos are the different techniques that show the meaning of them which are divided into two categories, which are technical and symbolic. Technical is how the meaning ids conveyed using technical equipment e.g. the way camera angles are used, different shots and sound (diegetic/ non-diegetic). 
Symbolic techniques include facial expressions, dance routines fashion items flashy cars etc. 

Overall everything that we have leant teaches us the aspects of how to analyse different genres and everything that makes up a music video in media. 


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